October 01, 2024


Erika Grimaldi inaugurates the 2024/2025 season of the  Teatro Regio Torino on October 1 as Puccini’s Manon Lescaut in a new production by Arnaud Bernard and under the musical direction of Renato Palumbo. She will sing alongside Roberto Aronica as Des Grieux, Alessandro Luongo as Lescaut, Carlo Lepore as Geronte, and Giuseppe Infantino as Edmondo.

The Asti-born soprano first sang the role of Puccini’s self-destructive heroine in January 2025 to rave reviews, such as the one that famed Italian critic Alberto Mattioli wrote on La Stampa (“with a rich timbre and full-bodied not only at the top but also in the low register. She also sings very well, with a fraseggio reminiscent of Mirella Freni, so without giving in to the temptation of verismo vulgarities.”)

Erika Grimaldi has performed numerous roles at the Teatro Regio, including Donna Anna in Don Giovanni, Amelia in Simon Boccanegra, Amilla in La donna serpente, Mathilde in Guillaume Tell, Desdemona in Otello, la Contessa in Le nozze di Figaro, and just this past season, Aida, not to mention Mimì in three different productions of La bohème