June 04, 2017
Today Magdalena Anna Hofmann takes part in the world premiere of Bernhard Lang’s MOONPARSIFAL ALPHA 1-8 (ARCHMATRIARCH OF ESPIONARCHY) at the Wiener Festwochen, performing the role of Cundry/Kundry in a staging by Jonathan Meese and conducted by Simone Young.
The “contemporary reinterpretation and appreciation” of Parsifal transports “Wagner’s mythos into a revolutionary moment in a far-flung future” and features besides Magdalena Anna Hofmann countertenor Daniel Gloger as Parsifal, Tómas Tómasson as Amfortas, Wolfgang Bankl as Gurnemanz, Daniel Gloger as Parsifal and Martin Winkler as Klingsor.
Following the performances in Vienna, Magdalena Anna Hofmann will repeat the opera at the Berliner Festspiele in September. Other engagements of the 2017/2018 season include the title role of Jenö Hubay’s Anna Karenina in a new production at the Bern Opera House and Schönberg’s Gurrelieder at the Casa da Musica in Porto.